
Case Studies

Church of St John the Baptist


East Markham


Soul Architects Ltd

Contract Duration:

8 Weeks



Date of Completion:

May 2021

A church was recorded at East Markham in the Domesday Book of 1086 but no trace of that early medieval building remains. We know that a church existed as early as 1291 for it is mentioned in taxation documents at that time. It may have been a chapel under the control of the Benedictine priory at Blyth. The church of St John the Baptist we see today is a wonderful example of 15th-century Perpendicular style, but it retains the 14th-century chancel arch from the earlier medieval building. This contract required re-roofing the aisle roof in Terne Coat Stainless Steel following an incident of lead theft. The works carried out to the church was as follows; Removal of temporary roof covering, re-covering with Terne Coat Stainless Steel followed by associated leadworks and sundry repairs.